Beyond Town Express Delivery Our "Beyond Town Express Delivery" option is defined as a delivery that will occur; - on the "Same Day" during Business Hours*
- withinBurns Lake Area Postal Codes
- V0J 1E1
- V0J 1E2
- V0J 1E3
- V0J 1E4, and
- ... provided that payment has been confirmed
The charges for a "Beyond Town Delivery" are as follows: - a Base Fee of $20.00,PLUS
- a Rate of $4.00 per Km (approx.)
To add a Beyond Town Express Delivery to your order, simply refer to the Rate Maps below, and use the number displayed to add the Express Delivery to your order. Example:If you see the number 30 - add 30 Delivery Fees to your order This will add the "All Inclusive Delivery Charge"(Base Fee & Km Fee)to your Order. For an Express Delivery WITHIN Town Borders, please use our "Express In Town Delivery" option. For a "normal"(meaning within 4 Business days) Delivery within Town Borders, please use our "In Town Delivery" option. Rate Maps Burns Lake West (V0J 1E1) 
Burns Lake East (V0J 1E3) 
Burns Lake South (V0J 1E2) 
Southbank (V0J 1E4) 